Journal Entry #3

Date: 7.3.2024


- Followed the Scripting Walkthrough to create a bullet and shooting mechanic and a shootable destructible column.


I followed all of the first part of the Scripting Walkthrough and the first 4 steps of the second part. The most informative part of the tutorial was learning how to use the Scriptable Objects since I haven't worked with them before. I ran into a problem where when I tried to change the color of the bullet by setting the color in the BulletVariant, the bullet seemingly didn't get rendered, but then I realized that colors in the Scriptable Objects are initialized with an alpha channel value of 0, so the bullets were just transparent.

Invested hours: 

- Scripting Walkthrough: 40 minutes



Assignment 3 Build.rar 66 MB
Mar 07, 2024

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