Journal Entry #5

Date: 12.04.2024


  • Made some improvements to add juiciness to the BreakOut template project.

Notes:   I implemented the following improvements:

  • Gave each brick a random color.
  • Made the ball change color to a random color after every bounce.
  • Made the bricks shrink and disappear before they are destroyed. At first I put the tweening code in the RemoveBrick method. However, since that method is being called from ResetGame too, it caused the game to freeze when it was supposed to reset. This issue was easily fixed by putting the tweening in the BrickDestroyed method instead.
  • Made the game fade out when it is being reset, then it fade in once the game elements have been set up. 
  • Gave the ball a short trail.
  • Added sounds when a brick is hit, when the ball bounces off a wall or the paddle, when the player loses the game (the ball falls out of bounds), and when the player wins the game. 
  • For the brick hit sounds, at first I tried putting an AudioSource on every individual brick, however that didn't work since the sound wouldn't play because the bricks were getting destroyed. After that, I decided to create an AudioController to control the playing of the different sounds.

Credit for the game lost sound:
Error 3 by qubodup -- -- License: Attribution 4.0

Invested hours: 1.5 hours



Assignment 5 Build.rar 21 MB
Apr 12, 2024

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